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Green Brinjal Stir Fry

Yields4 ServingsPrep Time10 minsCook Time20 minsTotal Time30 mins

Green Brinjal Stir Fry

 1.50 tbsp Coconut Oil or any kind of Vegetable Oil
 8-10 Garlic Cloves, Crushed
 3-4 Dry Red Chillies, Broken into piecs
 1 Moringa Pod, Cut into 2 inch pieces
 2 Medium Green Brinjal, Cut into one inch pieces
 ¾ cup Water
 Salt, To Taste

Wash and cut green brinjal into one-inch pieces. Immerse them in water and set them aside.


Peel the thick skin of the moringa pod, cut it into 2-inch pieces, and keep it aside.


Heat oil in a pan and add crushed garlic cloves. Fry until they turn light golden brown.


Add broken red chilies and cook for ten seconds.


Add the moringa pod and sauté for twooooo minutes.


Drain all the water and add the brinjal pieces. Combine and mix well.


Add water and bring it to a boil. Simmer and cover the pan.


Cook until the brinjal becomes soft. Add salt and mix it.


Cover and continue cooking until the brinjal is done. Serve it hot.

Nutrition Facts

Servings 0

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