Aloo Palak: Spinach and Potato Curry

Aloo Palak is a popular North Indian dish that combines spinach (palak) with potatoes (aloo) in a flavourful and nutritious curry. This vegetarian dish is known for its vibrant green colour and the delightful combination of tender spinach leaves and hearty potatoes.


Yields2 Servings
Prep Time15 minsCook Time20 minsTotal Time35 mins

 5 tbsp Oil
 ½ tsp Mustard Seeds
 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
 2 Diced Potato ,Medium
 1 tsp Chilli Powder
 1 tsp Coriander Powder
 2 cups Palak / Spinach
 ½ tsp Turmeric Powder
 Salt (As per requirement)
 1 cup Water


In a sauté pan, Add in 5 tbsp of Oil.


Add in Mustard seeds and let it splutter. Once it splutters add in the Cumin seeds.


Now Drop in the diced potatoes and Sauté it till its slightly cooked. Once its turns golden, Add in all the spices and sauté the potatoes well for 2 -3 mins.


Add in half glass of water and salt into the pan and let the potatoes cook for a while.


Add the finely chopped Palak/Spinach and Mix well. Cook them together for 5 -10 mins.


Aloo Palak is now ready!

Aloo Palak


 5 tbsp Oil
 ½ tsp Mustard Seeds
 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
 2 Diced Potato ,Medium
 1 tsp Chilli Powder
 1 tsp Coriander Powder
 2 cups Palak / Spinach
 ½ tsp Turmeric Powder
 Salt (As per requirement)
 1 cup Water



In a sauté pan, Add in 5 tbsp of Oil.


Add in Mustard seeds and let it splutter. Once it splutters add in the Cumin seeds.


Now Drop in the diced potatoes and Sauté it till its slightly cooked. Once its turns golden, Add in all the spices and sauté the potatoes well for 2 -3 mins.


Add in half glass of water and salt into the pan and let the potatoes cook for a while.


Add the finely chopped Palak/Spinach and Mix well. Cook them together for 5 -10 mins.


Aloo Palak is now ready!

Aloo Palak

Main Ingredients

  • Oil: Used for sautéing and providing a base for the curry.
  • Mustard Seeds: Adds a distinctive flavor; spluttered in oil for tempering.
  • Cumin Seeds: Another tempering spice, contributing to the overall aroma of the dish.
  • Potato (diced): Provides a hearty and substantial element to the curry.
  • Chilli Powder: Adds heat and spiciness to the dish.
  • Coriander Powder: Enhances the flavor with its aromatic and citrusy notes.
  • Palak/Spinach: The main vegetable component, contributing vibrant color and nutritional value.
  • Turmeric Powder: Imparts a warm color and mild flavor to the curry.
  • Salt: To season the dish according to taste.
  • Water: Used for cooking the potatoes and creating the desired consistency of the curry.


  • Q: Can I use frozen spinach for this recipe?
    A: Yes, you can use frozen spinach as a convenient alternative, but ensure it’s properly thawed and excess water is drained before using.
  • Q: Is it necessary to finely chop the spinach?
    A: It’s not necessary, but finely chopped or pureed spinach enhances the texture and helps it blend well with the potatoes.
  • Q: Can I adjust the spice level to my preference?
    A: Absolutely! Feel free to adjust the amount of chili powder and other spices according to your taste preferences.
  • Q: How long does it take for the potatoes to cook completely?
    A: Cooking time can vary, but diced potatoes usually take around 15-20 minutes. Ensure they are fork-tender before proceeding to the next step.
  • Q: Can I make Aloo Palak in advance?
    A: Yes, you can make it in advance and reheat it before serving. Add a splash of water during reheating to maintain the desired consistency.
  • Q: Can I use ghee instead of oil for sautéing?
    A: Yes, you can use ghee for added flavor, but oil works well too.
  • Q: Can I skip the mustard seeds in the tempering?
    A: While mustard seeds add a distinct flavor, you can skip them if you don’t have them; the dish will still be flavorful.
  • Q: Can Aloo Palak be frozen?
    A: Yes, Aloo Palak can be frozen. Allow it to cool completely before transferring to a freezer-safe container. Thaw and reheat when ready to serve.

Recipe Suggestions

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