Ginataang Langka: Filipino Jackfruit in Coconut Milk

Ginataang Langka is a delightful Filipino dish made with young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk. This savory and creamy dish often includes shrimp or pork, adding a rich depth of flavor. The jackfruit, when cooked, has a tender texture that pairs wonderfully with the thick, velvety coconut sauce. Garlic, onions, and ginger provide an aromatic base, while a touch of chilli adds a subtle kick.
Ginataang Langka


Yields2 Servings
Prep Time20 minsCook Time40 minsTotal Time1 hr

 2 tbsp Oil
 1 Inch Ginger, Finely Chopped
 1 Medium Onion, Sliced
 3 Garlic Cloves, Minced
 750 g Baby Jackfruit (Unripe Jackfruit), Cut into small pieces
 1.5 Cup Water
  tsp Ground Pepper
 Salt, To Taste
 1 cup Coconut Cream
 2 Green Chillies, Sliced (optional)
 Spinach or Kangkong Leaves (optional)
 1 cup Shrimp, Peeled and deveined (optional)
 1 cup Cubed Pork Belly (optional)


Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Sauté ginger, onions, and garlic until fragrant.


If using pork belly, add the cubes and cook until slightly browned; if using shrimp, add them now and cook until they turn pink.


Add the sliced jackfruit, combine, and mix well.


Add water and mix well. Cover and cook until the jackfruit is almost tender, stirring occasionally.


Season with ground pepper and salt according to your taste.


Pour in the coconut cream and mix to completely coat the jackfruit.


Bring to a simmer and let it cook until the sauce thickens.


If using chillies for heat, add them at this stage.


If using spinach or kangkong leaves, add them in and cook for another 2-3 minutes until wilted.


Serve hot with steamed rice.


 2 tbsp Oil
 1 Inch Ginger, Finely Chopped
 1 Medium Onion, Sliced
 3 Garlic Cloves, Minced
 750 g Baby Jackfruit (Unripe Jackfruit), Cut into small pieces
 1.5 Cup Water
  tsp Ground Pepper
 Salt, To Taste
 1 cup Coconut Cream
 2 Green Chillies, Sliced (optional)
 Spinach or Kangkong Leaves (optional)
 1 cup Shrimp, Peeled and deveined (optional)
 1 cup Cubed Pork Belly (optional)



Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Sauté ginger, onions, and garlic until fragrant.


If using pork belly, add the cubes and cook until slightly browned; if using shrimp, add them now and cook until they turn pink.


Add the sliced jackfruit, combine, and mix well.


Add water and mix well. Cover and cook until the jackfruit is almost tender, stirring occasionally.


Season with ground pepper and salt according to your taste.


Pour in the coconut cream and mix to completely coat the jackfruit.


Bring to a simmer and let it cook until the sauce thickens.


If using chillies for heat, add them at this stage.


If using spinach or kangkong leaves, add them in and cook for another 2-3 minutes until wilted.


Serve hot with steamed rice.

Ginataang Langka

Main Ingredients

  • Jackfruit (Langka): Jackfruit is the star ingredient of Ginataang Langka, a Filipino dish. It’s a tropical fruit with a unique sweet flavor and meaty texture. In this dish, young jackfruit is used, which has a mild taste and absorbs the flavors of the coconut milk and other ingredients.
  • Coconut Cream: Coconut cream forms the creamy base of Ginataang Langka. It adds richness and sweetness to the dish, complementing the subtle flavor of the jackfruit.
  • Shrimp (optional): Shrimp can be added to Ginataang Langka to enhance its flavor and add protein. They bring a delicate seafood taste to the dish and pair well with the creamy coconut milk and jackfruit.
  • Pork Belly (optional): Pork belly is another optional ingredient that can be included in Ginataang Langka. It adds a rich, savory flavor and a tender texture to the dish. Pork belly complements the sweetness of the jackfruit and adds depth to the overall flavor profile.
  • Green Chillies (optional): Green Chillies can be used to add a spicy kick to Ginataang Langka. They bring heat and complexity to the dish, balancing out the sweetness of the coconut milk and jackfruit.
  • Spinach or Kangkong Leaves (optional): Spinach or kangkong leaves can be added to Ginataang Langka for a pop of green color and added nutrition. They wilt into the dish during cooking, adding freshness and texture to the creamy coconut milk sauce.


  • Choose Fresh Jackfruit: Opt for fresh young jackfruit for the best flavor and texture in your Ginataang Langka.
  • Prepare Ingredients in Advance: Chop onions, mince garlic, and slice ginger ahead of time to streamline the cooking process.
  • Adjust Spice Level: Tailor the dish to your preference by adjusting the amount of red chili peppers used for heat.
  • Experiment with Proteins: While shrimp and pork belly are traditional choices, feel free to explore with other proteins like chicken or tofu.
  • Simmer for Flavor Infusion: Allow the dish to simmer gently to ensure the flavors meld together, creating a rich and aromatic curry.
  • Use Coconut Cream Liberally: Coconut cream is key to achieving a creamy texture and rich flavor, so don’t skimp on it.
  • Don’t Overcook Jackfruit: Be mindful not to overcook the jackfruit to maintain its tender texture.
  • Garnish Creatively: Sprinkle chopped cilantro, green onions, or toasted coconut flakes on top for added freshness and texture.
  • Pair with Steamed Rice: Serve Ginataang Langka piping hot alongside steamed rice to soak up the delicious coconut cream sauce.
  • Store Properly: If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. Reheat gently on the stovetop or in the microwave before serving.


Q. Can I use canned jackfruit instead of fresh?
A: Yes, you can use canned jackfruit if fresh is not available. However, be sure to drain and rinse it well before using to remove any excess brine or syrup.

Q. Is there a substitute for coconut cream?
A: If coconut cream is not available, you can use coconut milk, but the consistency and richness of the dish may vary slightly.

Q. Can I make Ginataang Langka ahead of time?
A: Yes, you can prepare this recipe ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator. Reheat gently on the stovetop or in the microwave before serving.

Q. What can I serve with Ginataang Langka?
A: Ginataang Langka is traditionally served with steamed rice to soak up the flavorful coconut cream sauce. You can also serve it with other staples like rice noodles or bread.

Q. Can I make Ginataang Langka vegetarian or vegan?
A: Yes, you can make Ginataang Langka vegetarian or vegan by omitting the shrimp and pork belly. Simply increase the amount of jackfruit or add tofu or other plant-based proteins.

Q. How do I know when the jackfruit is cooked?
A: The jackfruit should be tender when pierced with a fork but still hold its shape. Be careful not to overcook it, as it can become mushy.

Q. Is Ginataang Langka spicy?
A: The level of spiciness in Ginataang Langka can be adjusted according to personal preference by varying the amount of red chili peppers used. You can also omit them entirely if you prefer a milder dish.

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